Friday, December 17, 2010

A Mighty Awesome Anniversary

I could share multiple photographs of this most incredible day however I will spare you the details.

On December 17, 2003 our oldest 'adopted' son Andrew willingly and unselfishly donated one of his precious kidney's to his dad.

Mark had been diagnosed with end stage renal failure in March 2003. Andrew had just left home to test life on his own when the news came. Although we told him that because he was adopted he would probably not be able to donate a kidney he went on his own to be tested. Miracles...he was a perfect match.

Less than 9 months from the date of diagnosis Mark had a new kidney and here we are 7 years later with that very special kidney still functioning perfectly.

Yes, this has been an extremely trying year and yes we almost lost Mark a couple months ago due to Legionnaire's disease and Aspergilla's growing in his lungs but here we are on this special anniversary.

Tonight, instead of focusing on preparations for Christmas, we are rejoicing in God's miracles and thanking Him, not only for His Son but for the one He allowed us to adopt.

Considering Anniversaries With The Greatest Of Joy,

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