During the past couple of months while hubby has been ill I have thought long and hard regarding the blessings in my life. I suppose we all tend to take things for granted until you think you might lose it all.
I admit I wasn't concerned about losing 'things' but I quite frankly was concerned about losing my hubby. There were MANY nights I came home from the hospital and pled with God to walk me through the fears I was facing.
One of the things I realized I was Most grateful for was 'Jaynie'. You may ask: Who is Jaynie? Well, I am about to tell you.
Have you ever had a 'great pumpkin', rosebud, or bessie? I bet you have and didn't even know it.
This is what my 'Great Pumpkin' looked like...

One year way back in the late 70's I owned an orange pinto (my first car). On halloween I dressed it up like a pumpkin and my friend from work dressed up like Snoopy (huge snoopy head and all). We drove all over the streets of LosAngeles and had a big sign on the back of my car that said: "The Great Pumpin". Those were the days when it was ok to be silly on the streets of LA. From that point forward that car was called the great pumpkin.
Why do we name our cars? I think it's because we spend so much time with/in them that they begin to reflect some of our personality.
Let me tell you about Jaynie...
First off Jaynie was the name I chose for a girl if we ever had children. Since we didn't have children and we adopted only boys I never had the opportunity to use the name I loved...so... Jaynie became my cars nickname!!
She is 13 years old...yep a teen-ager! She has been with us for most of those 13 years though we did not get her brand new. (I suppose you can say we adopted her also)
She has this many miles on her:
She has been faithful, loyal and reliable. I must say that during this past couple of months while hubby was in the hospital and even now that he is home but continues to be quite ill, I sure am glad for the reliable part. I am also thankful that she is paid for!!!!Oh...in the background of her picture you can see the red pick-up, well that belongs to Uncle Bumco (ie: Hubby)...He is also 13 (I know we have to keep them separated) and has this many miles on him:
204098 ~~~ Just in case you couldn't read it!!!
In honor of my 200th post I am giving away a little 'auto' package to one person. Please leave a comment either here or on my facebook and tell me if you have ever named one of your cars. I bet each of us has at some point in our lives. I'd love to hear Your Story.
Drawing will be later this week!!!
Considering Reliable Autos with Great Joy,