May 23rd was my 100th post, who knew it would be a give-away post?
Bloggers from all over the world celebrate their posting milestones in various ways. Some choose to share 100 things about themselves, some choose give-aways, some choose to tell about why they blog and what it has meant in their lives, others share their favorite bloggy friends with us and still others share their favorite posts. However they choose to share it is a celebration and a reflection of their personality.
How then am I going to share my two milestones with you, my faithful few readers? One thing is for sure it won't be 100 things about myself as there are just not that many fun facts about me that you don't know.
My personality and 'love language' is gifts. I love to receive gifts but mostly I LOVE to GIVE GIFTS! So there will most definitely be a give-away at the end of this post. Oh, it's ok, you can scroll down and check it out but make sure you come back us as I share just a little about why I blog.
I began blogging a year ago as a challenge from my counselor. I was going through a difficult season in my life and needed an outlet. I do enjoy writing so I started a blog. It is amazing how quickly I found myself spending many hours a week reading blogs and getting to know people. I have met so many wonderful girls out there in Blogville whom I just adore. Some I have actually met in person or spoken to on the phone, they are special friends now.
My blog posts have changed along with the changes in my life. I've shared emotions, job issues, job losses for my husband and son, my husbands healthy worries, fun home projects, of course, wonderful stories and pictures of my granddaughter, as well as book reviews, give-aways and just plan silly stuff. I no longer have need of counseling appointments and blogging is something I do just for fun, more like a hobby. I enjoy sharing life with friends as well as things the Lord is working out in me. Blogging has changed for me and so has life. I no longer have hours to spend visiting Blogville and I do miss it, but attempting to support our family 'SOLO' has become a priority.
I do plan on changing my sidebar so you can meet some of my wonderful new friends but for now those I have listed have requests for their families and can really use our prayers.
So what about the give-away? Well, I have been thinking for a couple of days about what I can use as a prize, I have a couple of ideas but I'm just not sure, so...here is the deal: Leave a comment to help me celebrate these two milestones and let me know if you would like, a book, a gift card to your favorite crafty store (JoAnn's or Michael's), a set of 'tea' items, or a 'set' of lotions. I will be randomly drawing two names: one for my one year anniversary and one for my 100th post! I will announce the winners on Monday at the end of my 'Monday's Question'.
Thank you for your prayers as our family has journeyed this new season and for your encouraging words. You are treasured members of my heart and I adore you so much. I pray that there has been something during this past year of posts that has inspired, encouraged or motivated you to walk closer to Jesus. I also pray that this next year and 100 posts will make us all think about our lives and the purposes God has for us as well as opening our eyes to find the JOY IN ALL THINGS.
Considering 1 Year and 100 Posts Joy-Filled!!!
By the way, the winner of last week's book give-away is: Grace from GraceToday, Congratulations! Stop Graces' blog and wish her son and Happy Wedding, it's this weekend!!! Grace, contact me with your address and I'll get the book out to you, something for you to do when the wedding is over!!!!!