Having a migraine on a Friday night
Is just Not fun
I'm praying it's gone soon
I am going to a Huge wedding tomorrow
And I sure want to feel Great
Is just Not fun
I'm praying it's gone soon
I am going to a Huge wedding tomorrow
And I sure want to feel Great
This is Sam
Sam is almost 6 years old
He spent the day at the Vet yesterday
We updated all of his shots
And he had his teeth cleaned
Wow, what a difference that has made
His breath is much more tolerable :)
Thank you ALL for your comments of help
On my office wall
I decided to just start over
That is a project I will work on this weekend
I'm going to do some shopping
Around other parts of my home
I will post next week when I have finished
They Got Me
I was walking out of the grocery store
On my way home this afternoon
And my headache spoke to my weakness
Glad I only had a little $$$ in my purse

And Finally
My mom is on her way over to my house now
I invited her to come stay with me
During the Olympics
She loves them as do I
I can't remember a time that I haven't watched every minute
Of the Olympics that I could possible watch
I am looking forward to the Opening Ceremony tonight
I know it's already over
But I still Love watching
I've heard that the opening is Very
Informative about the history of Russia
Should be interesting
I love sports and always have
I don't play ANY
I' don't like anybody throwing anything at me
I don't want people chasing me around
I played a bit of tennis as a youth
And was actually pretty good at archery
But team sports and I don't get along
Watching is a treat
I love competition
I love the Red, White, and Blue
Will be rooting loudly for the USA
As I am a sappy, patriotic American
I'll root on the underdog as well
My favorites will be Figure Skating
Bobsledding and the new Slope-Style snow boarding
But I also like skiing, the half pipe and everything else
I might even watch a hockey game or two
What about you?
Are you going to watch any of the Olympics?
Do you have a favorite sport or athlete?
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Hi Friend, I read and cherish every single comment you leave! You bring Joy to my heart! Blessings, Cindy