Saturday, June 4, 2011

30 Day Challenge (6/4/11)

Today's Challenge

Something Green

Well, since my lawn is brown

(I wonder if that has anything to do with Not watering it?)


The trees around my house frustrate me

(I wonder if that has anything to do with the fact

that they are all in the neighbor's yards

yet they shed their leaves on my lawn and in my pool?)


I thought I would just capture

these green items


Since I went to my great-nieces'

birthday party

I thought I'd add this fun shot

My granddaughter made a card

and my great niece Loved it!!

The simplest things:)

Considering Green Good,


1 comment:

  1. Excellent green photo Cindy! And I love the expression on your great niece's face! Well done! Paula xo


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