Wednesday, May 14, 2014

6 Years / 600 Posts / GiveAway

What happens to the time?
Six years ago when I first began this blog
There is no way I ever dreamed I would write 600 posts
And...that people would read them

I began this blog to journal a difficult season in my life
Which led to book reviews 
As well as on-line Bible studies
Where I met some of the most wonderful women 
From all around the world

So much has changed in these 6 years
Since my very first feeble effort at blogging
But I wouldn't change it for the world
Because I am a different person
Filled with hope, joy and peace

Here are a few things that have changed in 6 years

Wednesday Word was one of the favorite regular things I posted for a period of time
I continue to enjoy these posts
Yet they don't surface as often as I'd like

My oldest K has certainly grown up since the days 
When she had no front teeth

Speaking of teeth
At the age of 52 I got braces for the first time

In these 6 years
We've added a couple more beauties to the family

I wore my very first ball cap when I went to a NASCAR race with my hubby

I sure have learned DIY in a new way

I've replaced a kitchen faucet, a garbage disposal,
Replaced all the plumbing on/in a toilet
Replaced a light switch and didn't even electrocute myself
I've painted, sanded, stained and built 'stuff'
Replaced the water overflow tank in my car
And a variety of other 'things' that needed taking care of

I've celebrated too many birthdays
And LOVE everyone of them (Don't Forget)
I have recently walked through a cancer scare
So glad that turned out for the good

I have LOVED spending time with My 3 K's

I've enjoyed playing more with my Canon
I sure do need some classes though

Spent time putting together this fun playhouse/kottage
For My 3 K's and their cousins

Have totally enjoyed my boys and girls
As often as I can spend time with them

And I've lost my best friend and learned how to 
Embrace Widowhood (sort-of)

Blogging has been a part of it all
But YOU are the true HERO's of blogland
YOU have walked me through the good, the bad, the ugly moments
YOU bring my heart joy Every time you leave a comment
Words of encouragement or just stop by to say HI
YOU are my reason to celebrate 
6 Years of Blogging and 600 Posts
YOU deserve a GiveAway
Sweet Salvage starts tomorrow
I probably won't make it then but plan on 
Heading that way sometime during the next few days
I am planning to purchase a couple of special items
To give away right here on the Blog

How can you have a chance to win?
Just leave a comment and you are entered into the drawing 
I will give you plenty of time to enter
I will draw a name the last day of MAY

Thank you for loving me through it all
Thank you for your friendship
Thank you for inspiring me to reach for my dreams

Considering LIFE and Blogging with Great JOY


  1. Haven't been following you for six years Cindy! But I have truly enjoyed watching you progress with this site over the last couple of years. Am really enjoying your "finds" and what you do with them!

  2. Cindy- I found you not all that long ago and I am so glad I did- and that I can celebrate 6 years of blogging with you. What a wonderful rundown of the last few years, Cndy! Blessings and I hope you blog for many more years. xo Diana

  3. Cindy, We met because of our mutual friend in Lincoln. You have done do much better with blog than I have. Life certainly took me in a different direction over the last two years. God is really laying it on my heart lately to get back to my writing, just not sure what form that will be. Have enjoyed your blog so much and seeing your creativity take different forms!! Blessings, Karren

  4. Dear Cindy ~ I found you soon after losing my dear husband 17 months ago.

    The title of your blog says a lot, Consider it All Joy.

    God has worked in your life and you are a light of His love and tender mercies towards widows.

    Thank you ~ FlowerLady

  5. Six years...Really, all I can think is--for YOU and ME--is how much life has changed in six years, and I rejoice with you on the conquests and blessings, and my eyes get misty on the losses. Yes, my friend, consider it all joy... :-)

  6. Congrats on 600 posts and 6 years! We must have started blogging around the same time. There's been a lot of life lived between then and now, friend. God's faithfulness is evident in every post you've written.


  7. Congratulations on six years of blogging!!! A long journey with lots of changes on your trip. I understand what you mean about other bloggers helping you along the way. Nana Diana being one of them for me.
    Big hugs.

  8. I haven't known you for very long and didn't even realize you have been blogging for six years. I think blog friends are just very extra special -- very little if any criticism, pettiness or judgement. It can be such a wonderful support system, and sometimes we even get to meet up in!

  9. Dear Cindy, I haven't known you for that long but I feel we've all been given a glimpse of heaven here. What a treasure you are; I know you minister to so many-whether you know it or not. I was so moved to read your journey through the last six years. The joy and love of family. Just wish you lived near me-I'd love to hang out with you!
    Blessings dear friend on the future and on your blog.
    Hugs & Love,


Hi Friend, I read and cherish every single comment you leave! You bring Joy to my heart! Blessings, Cindy