Sunday, November 17, 2013

JOY #17 Open Doors

 Although the photo below is NOT my home
I am thankful today and find Joy in
Open Doors

As many across our world 
Have faced weather related tragedies over the past several days
I am thankful that I can open my doors
And enjoy a bit of cooler air

Arizona is a land of deserts and extreme heat in the summer
We live with doors closed
Air conditioners running
And very seldom spend any time outside
For several months of the year

This is the time of year
We can open our doors and enjoy

My heart goes out to those
Whom today
Have lost the door to open
To those whose homes have been destroyed by tornado's
I am lifting you up and praying that God will comfort you
That God will provide your every need
That neighbors and friends far and near
Will reach out to you with compassion and love

In some way, I pray that the weather events
Of the past week or so 
Will be Open Doors for all of us 
To step through and Minister in some small way
To those hurting around us

Is there an open door that you need to walk through
Literally or figuratively 
I ask you to seek the Lord tonight
Ask what opportunity He has set before you
What door has He opened
For YOU to walk through

Enjoy the breeze of the literal open door
But also enjoy the Challenge of the figurative
Open Door that God has placed in front of you this day

God Bless 
JOY #17 Open Doors

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Hi Friend, I read and cherish every single comment you leave! You bring Joy to my heart! Blessings, Cindy