- Heart Echo ~ Because I have issues
- Heart Stress Test
- Blood, blood and more blood
- DexaScan
- Colonoscopy
- Endoscopy ~ 4 Biopsies
- Mammogram
- Bi-lateral Breast UltraSound ~ Because I have issues
- ???
I have one more such test in the morning and then on the 18th I will receive all the GOOD REPORTS:)
Then there is church stuff:
- A night of fun shopping and eating with the ladies
- Decorating the church for Christmas
- Tonight ~ Wrapping about 25 boxes for the church decorations
- Tuesday Night ~ Ladies Christmas Party which I am still planning for and making last minute preparations for. (lots of cooking, baking, wrapping, studying and praying still to do)
Then there is work stuff:
- Go to work, go to work, go to work
- Work Christmas party last Thursday
- Go to work, go to work, go to work
Then there is this new business I just started
- I can't belive I did this now
- What am I doing?
- I know this is in God's plan
- Christmas Party
- What did I just do?
- Trust God
Then there is family
With this I'll just say: Husband, Children, Grandchildren, Mom's, Sister, Brother's, Nieces, Nephew's, and all the family that go with each.
Then there is Christmas itself
- Shopping
- Lists
- Shopping
- Wrapping
- More lists
- Shopping
- Lots of wrapping
- Baking
- Eating way too much CHOCOLATE
- Shopping
- Wrapping some more
- Eating more Chocolate
- Wow ~ I'm tired
Then there is blogging
- UUMMM? What is that? I just don't have time...Because
This is His birth we are celebrating! This season is about Him and why He came for Us! My focus needs to reflect my love for Him and that is what I intend to do...Focus On HIM!!!
So...for the next couple of weeks I will be posting some things from my previous blog I had before I started this one. I would like you to get to know my family a little better so I will post a short bio on each of them. I hope you enjoy them. Then I will attempt to do a Christmas post ~ hopefully something special that will bless you.
After the first of the year I'll begin a new on-line Bible study and get back to a more regular posting routine.
I so enjoy blogging and miss it but I must spend some quality God time and Family time during the Christmas Season.
Considering It All Christmas JOY, Cindy
You are so wise my friend! I'm cheering you on in your decision - it is pleasing and honouring to the Lord.
ReplyDeleteHave a great day!
time is so precious, always, but especially during the holidays when there are so many demands on it! I'm looking forward to reading the bios of your family, cindy! I think that's a great idea to simplify during this crazy time.
ReplyDeleteI pray you are taking some time to breathe Him in deeply...Ahhh, I love this time of waiting! But I too need reminded to slow and feel Him.
Blessings to you, friend!
Cindy, yes there are seasons when we should take a break from some things in order to accomodate other things. 'Tis the season! It certainly sounds like you've got much going on. I understand about the issues of reaching 50 too. The colonscopy isn't bad; it's just the prep that's no fun!
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad we've connected and one day we'll meet in person. But in the meantime, there's no pressure. Instead I'll read some of your previous blog posts to get up to date. Merry Christmas to you!
Praying you have good tests results! Keep me posted!
ReplyDeleteI will miss you blogging, but look forward to meeting your family. Take care!
Praying for you Cindy!
ReplyDeleteI so hear you! I think you have a great blogging plan for the Christmas season!
ReplyDeleteWhew girl! You are busy!!
ReplyDeleteSo do tell.....what's the new business you started??!!!
You are one busy lady! Sounds like in all of it you are keeping your priorities straight though...remembering the true reason for the season.
ReplyDeleteWishing you the best this Christmas season!
Cindy, thanks for your comments yesterday on my blog. I appreciated them.
ReplyDeleteI loved this sensitive post. Everyone who reads it will relate. I have been blogging this morning (Tuesday) at 4:30 am because I couldn't sleep and wanted to comment to some people! Crazy!
Cindy--I have missed you! But so glad to hear that you are following Jesus's direction--and committing to our number one priority--spending time with Him.
ReplyDeleteGod Bless!
I can so relate to you...blogging is such a time with God for me...to use my gift of writing and it's hard to go so long and not write for Him.
ReplyDeleteYour lists wore me out yet made me smile...like when you said "go to work, go to work, go to work."
What is your new business that you started? I must've missed that or maybe you didn't share.
I guess I do not have you on my bloglist and so I'm not reminded when you post.
I live by my bloglist. If a blog is not on there, I will forget to check it. I'm in love with that very handy, dandy tool.
I'll add you RIGHT NOW!
I am slowing down with you, Sister. My posts are quick and fun. Checking others when I feel lead and need a little bit of encouragement. Glad I stopped by tonight!
ReplyDeleteI will miss you and watch for your return. Merry, Merry Christmas. And be still, know He is God!
WHEW!!! I am tired reading all that you have on your plate.....
ReplyDeleteI pray you are doing well!
I haven't visited blogs much lately either...life is just taking over.
Time with God is precious, and much needed. But your lists did make me laugh.
ReplyDeleteBe blessed,
I stumbled on your site looking for the Bible verse consider it all joy. I can see your joy is your Lord and your family, how refreshing!