Today 12/17/2008 is a day of celebration in our home and the perfect day to introduce you to our son, Andrew!
Andrew Mark Cain, born Donald Jay Moore Jr. on November 24, 1981, came to join our family August 29, 1983 as a foster child. He was the cutest red headed, freckle faced little boy I'd ever seen. From the moment I laid eyes on his picture I knew he would fit perfectly into our family. And, as it turned out, he has. Andrew's adoption was finalized on December 18, 1984 and there was no turning back.

Andrew does not love clean, tidy, or neat. Just ask his mom! (He probably likes them, just doesn't do them!)
In 1999 and 2000 Andrew was blessed to travel the United States with a youth ministry. They were able to minister to thousands of kids all across this great country of ours and see many lives changed for eternity. What an awesome opportunity he had. He went places and did things that most of us only hope to do. I know he will have many jewels in his heavenly crown because fo this trip.
Andrew is also a life saver. He was secretly tested in 2003 as a possible kidney donor for his adopted dad and turned out to be a perfect match. With great hesitation, we agreed to him donating one of his kidney's to Mark. We worried about his future health, but Andrew would not take no for an answer. He literally did save his dad's life. For that we are eternally grateful. And today - 12/17/08 - we celebrate 5 wonderful years since that transplant!!!!!
But we are also grateful to our precious Heavenly Father who so creatively selected Andrew to join our little family. I could not imagine my life without him being a part of it. He has brought so much joy to our lives. He is funny and loves to laugh. He loves 'Dukes of Hazard' and cartoons.
Andrew has also kept us on our knees. No, he is not perfect. We spent man
y sleepless nights during his teens and early twenties praying, seeking God for his wisdom on how to help Andrew. Through much fasting and prayer we now see the fruits of God working in Andrew's life.
Today Andrew is serving the Lord at a local church, has a great job. He is a daddy to the most beautiful little girl in the world and living a respectable, happy life.

Today Andrew is serving the Lord at a local church, has a great job. He is a daddy to the most beautiful little girl in the world and living a respectable, happy life.
I am sure I could fill up a book with Andrew stories but I'll save those for later posts. Today I'll just add that Andrew is a treasure and a joy. I hope someday you have a chance to meet this wild and crazy guy with a heart of gold.
My dear sweet Andrew, today I thank God for you. You have filled our lives because of your presence. You have loved us, hated us, made us laugh and made us cry. You have kept us on our knees and close to God. You have also given us 5 extra years of memories because of your unselfish act of devotion and love toward your daddy. I pray that we have offered you love, devotion, joy and a lifetime of beautiful memories. Though I could not understand the future all those years ago when I was dealing with infertility and a hysterectomy at 26, I certainly understand now. God wanted you in our lives and I am so glad He chose you. I am grateful that I have opportunities to see you, hug you and cut your hair (hehehe) several times a week. But mostly today I am just grateful for YOU! You make me smile:) and I love you!
Considering Andrew All Joy!
Wow! I stand amazed at how God works! He is so GOOD!
ReplyDeleteHave a wonderful week!
Wow! What an amazing story of God's perfect plan! You definitely could write an inspiring book.
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing!
What a beautiful gift God has given you both. God never ceases to amaze.
ReplyDeleteAnd your right your granddaughter is beautiful.
So sweet! Isn't it amazing when you can look back and see that God totally knew what He was doing even when you couldn't see it? I love that you're doing these posts about your family members. I hope they're reading them!
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad to read this post. It's encouraging to hear the story and how God was working.
ReplyDeleteWow! Thank you for "introducing" us to your sweet boy! I loved this thank you!!
ReplyDeleteThis post made me cry! I still have quite a journey ahead with my boys, and I know it won't all be hunky-dorry. But love is an amazing thing. your Andrew inspires me and gives me hope!
Wow, Cindy. I think this just stands to show how perfect God works. I believe He specifically and purposely closed your womb so you could have the son He designed you to have. Amen?
ReplyDeleteHow awesome that he was a perfect match to his dad...something sometimes biology doesn't even allow.
You've blessed my heart.