I bet you have always thought that the life of an Administrator is a fun, exciting, and glamorous dress up time!! I bet you are wrong:)
What I did today!
First off I wore denim capris! Our dress code does not allow jeans but today I cheated (I suppose that is what you do when the boss is out of the office for the day) LOL! Actually, I believe that if your business or work place has a dress code then you are to follow it! And I usually do but today...well...today I had WORK to do!
I drove my hubby's little truck to work!

Oh! My truck is SO dirty and needs a Bath ... Any volunteers???
I took a ladder with me!

I replaced 12 lights as well as batteries in our lab timer, and 2 pulse oximeter machines. I ordered batteries for the audiometer because for some reason they all decided to die at the same time.
I carried 13 boxes like this to my little truck and took a trip to our business storage unit. While there I rearranged all of the boxes so I could get to the ones (6) that needed to be returned to the office so the contents can be shred!!

By then I had a dehydration headache and took (1) Excedrin and managed to eat a little lunch.
After lunch I unloaded new shipments at the office, priced, labeled and restocked the shelves.
I had the 'fun' job of destroying 2 PC's! So much fun! If you ever need to take out any frustrations, that is the way to do it. I needed to make sure that the hard drives were completely destroyed so lets just say I enjoyed using a hammer and very large screwdriver:)

After accomplishing a few other tasks I decided that I 'stunk' and needed to leave the office a bit early!! LOL
I absolutely LOVE my job!! I never get bored and always get to use my more 'macho' skills!! But, not to worry, come next week I will be back in my girly clothes, seated at my desk, crunching numbers, writing schedules, and the like:)
Now I am home, cleaned up and waiting for my mom to arrive.
These next few days will be difficult as it was the time period that hubby and I had planned to take our 30th wedding anniversary trip. Mom will stay a few days and then it will be a quiet weekend. Monday the 16th would have been our 30th!! A few friends from church are going to take me to dinner for which I am Very grateful!!
I don't usually ask for too much for myself, but I know I could Really Use Prayer over the next 5-7 days!!! My heart is broken but I plan on trying to remind myself that we had 30 wonderful years together!
Considering Glamour on the Job with JOY!!
Dear Lord, please surround Cindy today with your comfort. Let her mind only be filled with happy memories and the knowledge that with YOU she will be okay.
Hugs Cindy!