Friday, July 17, 2009

Here we go again!


You may find the photos below gross
Do not look if you don't like open wounds

After one year of visiting the Wound Center on a weekly basis

We thought we would never have to go back

Mark has been, for the most part, wound free for nearly one year

A couple of months ago he had a tiny little sore on his leg

Now it looks like this

We are praying for closure
So it doesn't start looking more like this:

Wound of 2007/2008

A kidney transplant is a wonderful treatment

for Renal Failure

And...We are grateful for 5 1/2 years that we

did not think we would have

But the side effects of immunosuppressant's

can be as difficult as dealing with the kidney failure

In all things

We Praise the Lord

For He is Good

And He is God!!

Consider it pure joy, my friends, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. James 1:2-4

We continually search for Good in ALL Things

We continually See God's Blessings

While we are being made mature and complete:)



  1. I'm continuing to pray for you and your family. I wish I had words to offer that didn't sound so cliche but just keep hanging on to the Lord through all this.

  2. Will be praying for this to heal! I will lift you all up to the Lord. Praise God that HE is in control and HE is the great healer!

  3. Dear Heavenly Father wrap Cindy up tightly in Your arms...I know You will not let her go. Now grab her chin and direct her eyes onto you...remind her every second if she needs it...just how amazing she is to You. You love her Lord...and keep whispering it to her...thank YOu Jesus! Amen

  4. Oh my goodness, that must be painful and inconvenient! I pray that God will blow His healing breath on it just like my mom used to blow on my owies after she put peroxide on them when I was a little girl.

  5. I pray God will heal this wound. He is the great physician and full of power.

  6. May you find continued mercy and grace during this time-

    God is good in all things...may you find a blessing in this process :o)


  7. So sorry to see this. I'll be praying for you.

    I don't know Cindy, if you follow Michele's blog "Beeleive you can" but she is moving to PA at the end of the month. And next Thursday, she's calling all AZ bloggers to meet at Gooseberries at 7th Street and Thunderbird. I hope to go and wanted to be sure you knew about this. Check her blog for details but it should be fun to get together.

  8. Praying for you all.


Hi Friend, I read and cherish every single comment you leave! You bring Joy to my heart! Blessings, Cindy