Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Mom's Waiting...

A journey is a process of small steps, mostly forward, sometimes backward.  Choosing to find a safer route can force you to adjust your path and at the same time cause the journey to be lengthened.  All the while heading toward a destination but desiring to enjoy and find blessing as you travel.

At times there seems to be no joy in the journey, just a daily trudging toward a goal, a destination, a desired end. Stopping to look, listen and hear the still small voice of God through the journey is always a welcomed reprieve from the pursuit.

No matter what journey you find yourself on, I pray you are able to find Joy within.

In recent weeks we have found our family to be on a difficult yet praise worthy journey.  Several weeks ago my mom had a small stroke of which she has recovered from very nicely.  Yet, through the series of tests performed during her hospital stay, a lesion was discovered in her brain.  In the weeks that have followed she has had more tests and lab work done. What once was considered a large cancerous tumor in the  base of her skull, has since changed.

During a PETScan and subsequent visit to her oncologist, we have received excellent news. There is NO evidence of Aggressive or Advanced cancer, in fact the lesion is not even a tumor. Her lab work was perfect, I could only wish mine was so great!! That is Praise Worthy News!!

However, we have learned that the lesion is an area of total deterioration of the bone with unknown origin.  According to her neurosurgeon she has lost 40% of the bone.  It is still possible it is cancer which has eaten the bone or an old infection from many years ago. 

Our options are to wait 3 months and re-scan to see if there has been any growth or change or proceed with another set of CT and MRI scans with a possibility of biopsy to follow depending on the results of those 2 tests.  Mom has yet to make a decision, so we wait.

Did you realize that when you are on a journey it is ok and essential to take those moments to 'wait' (stop, look and listen)?  I'm so thankful for these moments of 'rest' and 'wait'. God weaves them into our journey so preciously. He desires for us to listen for His voice amongst the noises of a world vying for our attention.

Tonight I rest is His perfect timing and grace. Thank you for journeying with us and praying specifically for my mom.

Be Blessed!!


  1. Hi Cindy,

    I'll remain in prayer for your mom. I have lived through enough waiting (as you have) to know that pryer is about all that does get us through it.


  2. I'm late to this news, Cindy. What's the latest with your mom? Any decisions as of yet? You're both in my prayers, sister.


Hi Friend, I read and cherish every single comment you leave! You bring Joy to my heart! Blessings, Cindy